Saturday, 19 October 2013

B. Complete Long-Lasting Nail Polish in 145 Bubble Gum

I'm finally back on track with my blog! This week I had another set-back after getting a nasty infection and narrowly avoiding a stay in hospital. On Thursday it was my birthday, but sadly it was memorable for the wrong reasons this year, and I spent most of it dosed up on medication in bed!
Amongst my presents was this lovely B. Complete nail polish, so today I decided to try it out today. Bubble Gum is an apt name, it's such a vibrant pink and has a gorgeous shimmery blue undertone to it.
The brush is a little wide for my liking, however the polish applied so smoothly and evenly, with no need for a second coat.
It took quite a while for that 'tacky' feeling to go, so it's not one if you're applying in a rush as it seems to take its time to fully dry. There's nothing worse than smudged nails! However I'm really pleased with the colour. What do you think?
This is my first B. Complete nail varnish and I'm sure it won't be my last. It has a high-shine finish too for that extra bit of glamour! You can get this shade for £3.32 at Superdrug.
Have you tried any other products from B. Complete? What's your favourite bargain nail polish?

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